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Origins Of Thanksgiving


Thanksgiving Day: A Time to Gather and Give Thanks

Origins of Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving Day has its roots in the harvest festivals celebrated by Native Americans and European settlers in the early 17th century. The first known Thanksgiving feast in what is now the United States was held in 1621 in Plymouth, Massachusetts, between the Pilgrims and the Wampanoag tribe. The Pilgrims were a group of English Separatists who fled England in search of religious freedom. They established the Plymouth Colony in 1620. The Wampanoag were a Native American tribe who lived in the area.

Thanksgiving Today

Thanksgiving is now a national holiday in the United States and Canada. It is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November. Thanksgiving is a time for families and friends to get together for a meal and give thanks for the blessings of the past year. The traditional Thanksgiving meal includes turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie.

The Meaning of Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is more than just a day to eat a big meal. It is a time to reflect on the things we are grateful for. It is a time to give thanks for our family, our friends, our health, and our country. Thanksgiving is also a time to give back to the community. Many people volunteer at soup kitchens or homeless shelters on Thanksgiving Day. Thanksgiving is a time to celebrate the harvest and all the good things in our lives. It is a time to come together with loved ones and give thanks for the blessings we have been given. ```
